Saltburn Photographic Society

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the club meet?

The club meets on Wednesday evenings from 7.00pm for a 7:30pm start in The Methodist Church Hall, Milton Street, Saltburn.

What is the club's opinion of Digital Photography?

Saltburn Photographic Society actively encourages Digital Photography. Many members have used scanners to scan negatives, slides or prints and produce prints using inkjet printers. Most now work entirely digitally. There are of course a very few people who still prefer to work conventionally using "wet" processing. All pictures, including those taken on a mobile phone, are treated equally in competitions as long as the picture is all your own work. - a good picture is a good picture regardless of the way it was taken.

Are begginers welcome?

Saltburn Photographic Society accepts members of ALL standards from complete beginners to professionals. A camera club is an excellent place for novices to learn. We were all beginners once!

Do you need a good camera to be a member?

A better camera does not guarantee a better picture. If a picture is well composed, well exposed and well presented who is to know what equipment was used?

Can anyone join?

YES absolutely! All we ask is an interest in Photography and a desire to share that interest with other like-minded people.

Do any of the members do weddings or portraits?

Yes, numerous members have participated or do participate in wedding photography, and yes, our members do take portraits.

Does the club have darkroom facilities?


Are there any lady members?

Very much so - almost the same number of male and female members now. Some of the best photographers in the club are women and you can see some of their work in the galleries. Please do not be put off.

What are our membership fees?

Club membership fees can be found under ‘Membership Fees’ on this website..

Can I try a meeting before I join?

Yes, prospective members can come along for several meetings as a guest, after which you are expected to join. There is a small attendance fee for non-members. Only fully paid-up members can enter the competitions.

Do you have to be a certain standard before entering club competitions?

No, but prints should be properly mounted. In the internal competitions the main objective is to appreciate other people’s work, learn from the informed comments of the judges and to have fun. After all, the judging is only one person’s opinion and after a while you get to know that the judge is ALWAYS wrong, unless of course your picture has won!

All my images are taken on slide film, which I think has better qualities than digital. Am I going to be isolated if I join?

No, definitely not, as all photographic mediums are accepted. (See above.). The slide entry for competitions is being maintained . . . . . . as long as slide film is manufactured!

I am an experienced amateur photographer, used to darkroom work and more recently to using a computer to process fron an advanced digital SLR camera. What else does the club have to offer?

There are a number of members whose photographic career has developed similarly. We all enjoy the Club activities and learn continuously from others in a rapidly-moving scenario. We can attract able photographers who are willing to share their work and experience.

I am not able to come every week. Is it still worth joining?

Each evening's event stands more or less on its own, and there is no reason why you should not be selective. Guests and visitors are always welcome, and a small non-member fee covers each evening. If you come more frequently you'll want to join!

I am not enthusiastic about competitions, so what else does the Club offer?

There are informal project groups which cover everything that is (a) photographic and (b) a project. Literally anything goes for more imaginative photographers wanting to pursue their 'own thing' in a relaxed atmosphere with suggestions and help from colleagues.

I don't know anything about digital photography, nor do I have a computer. What can I do in this digital world?

Club members run public workshops entitled 'Introducing Digital Photography'. These are designed to help true beginners. Recent beginners are now participating fully in all Club activities. The Club has a comprehensive range of digital equipment accessible to members to give people skills and experience.

I find the whole idea of competing with expert entrants to competitions extremely daunting. What is there for me?

We have two print classes, one called 'Intermediate' and the other 'Advanced' for experienced photographers. Beginners have started in Intermediate and progressed quickly. You can start in Intermediate and progress by winning to Advanced, in which any member may compete. Our competition rules are reviewed annually to ensure there is a chance for everyone, rather than a few winning everything. There is no need to enter competitions if you don't want to, and you can enter slides and digital images as well as prints.

I have a compact camera and have only taken pictures of family and holidays. Is this not way below what a club expects?

Our club has members of all standards and there is always someone to help and advise. Some joined us as total beginners and were fully participating within weeks. People make good pictures, not expensive cameras!

I have seen the large mounted prints submitted for competitions, and this is way beyond me, so what could I do?

There is no need to produce large prints, nor to print one's own digitally. Prints can be made commercially or by a friend, as long as the original is created by you. Mounting is not difficult, and we stage demonstrations of the techniques.

Will I be welcomed if I should join, knowing how clubs often ignore newcomers?

The Club is informal, and everyone goes out of their way to befriend newcomers, and all are more than willing to share their knowledge and level of skills. Members can arrange one-to-one sessions to help any member get up to speed or overcome particular problems.