Saltburn Photographic Society

Evening Programme

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Evening Programme 2023 - 2024

Projected Digital Images All competitions will feature only projected digital images.
A projected digital image (pdi) must be a JPEG with a maximum width of 1400 pixels and a maximum height of 1050 pixels. This is to comply with the current rules of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB).

A pdi must be named using three pieces of information as follows:
1. The two-digit alphanumeric code for the competition into which it is being entered
2. The photographer’s name
3. The title of the image
These three pieces of information must be in this order and separated from each other by a single underscore as shown in the following example: M1_John Bull_British Bulldog which indicates that John Bull has entered a pdi entitled British Bulldog in the first monthly competition.

Provision of this information in this manner assists the Competition Secretary in cataloguing the images. Every pdi will have the competition code and photographer’s name removed prior to being submitted to the judge. Ideally, pdis should be submitted as attachments to an email to the Competition Secretary, from whom further information can be obtained.