Saltburn Photographic Society


All the following documents are in Adobe Acrobat format Download the free version of Adobe Reader Click Here.

Welcome Pack

The intention of this welcome pack is to speed up the integration of new members into the Society. It should provide
you with most of the information that you will need to know to inform you about the key aspects of what we have to offer.
Click Here.

SPS Sylabus 2019/2020

A PDF version of our Sylabus can be downloaded here. Click Here.


The aims and the objectives of the Society are to encourage and advance the art of photography
and to provide a facility for the residents of Saltburn. Click Here.

Model Release

A generic model release form for members to use. Click Here.

UK Photographers rights

This is intended to provide a short UK guide to the main legal restrictions on the right to take
photographs and the right to publish photographs that have been taken. Click Here.

Stop and Search Law

YMPS officers and staff have been reminded that people taking photographs in public should not be stopped
and searched unless there is a valid reason.
Click Here.

Freedom to photograph

Here is some specific photography advice from the police. Click Here.


Copyright and Disclaimer for Saltburn Photographic Society. Click Here..

Data Protection and Disclaimer

Data Protection Policy and Disclaimer for Saltburn Photographic Society. Click Here.

Equal Oportunities

Equal Opportunities for Saltburn Photographic Society. Click Here.

Child Protection Policy

Here is some specific photography advice from the police. Click Here.